Brave New World is new television series produced by NBC Universal Studios, based on the classic 1932 novel by Aldous Huxly. GaiaNova were approached by creative team Marshmallow Laser Feast (MLF) to help realise a key scene in the opening episode, described by Vanity Fair magazine as ‘the Most Immaculately Art-Directed Orgy Sequence on TV.’
GaiaNova worked closely with content creators MLF, the production art department, set designers and director of photography, from the early pre-visualisation phase to the three days of filming on location in Battersea Park, London.
Tasked with creating a futuristic nightclub, we covered the whole environment in moving video imagery. We used six of our Avolites Ai servers to play back content with a total 12k x 6k pixel resolution, which was then seamlessly blended across 26 projectors supplied by QED Productions and an LED floor supplied by Anna Valley. Across the project we provided the following services:
• Projection design and film set integration
• Media server project design and build
• Content pre-visualisation
• Video content media management
• Video projector and media server supply and systems integration
• Show build and live operation on set
GaiaNova provides dome hire and a range of video skills and services to all sectors of the events industry. We work directly with brands or in partnership with creative and marketing companies and event organisers. We specialise in technical production realising artistic visions, whether they come from corporations, major arts institutions, music and performing arts festivals or from individual artists themselves. In the events industry we feel that too often there is an unnecessary divide between the creative and the technical. Between the ‘ideas people’ and the engineers. At GaiaNova, both hemispheres are equally developed. Our philosophy has always been that these two elements need to be approached as one – the holistic approach to event production.
GaiaNova is the sole agent for the hire and installation of the Gaiaspace Structures GT3 series range of touring dome structures. Our domes have an eye-catching, distinctive design, rigid, load-bearing superstructure – supporting heavy loads directly from any point on the dome without requiring additional trussing. They are a highly efficient shape – vertical walls and high ceilings allow full use of all internal space.
Our 18M dome can be supplied as a fulldome package including 180 degree fulldome projection screen, media servers and projectors.
GaiaNova provide a broad range of video skills and services. Any time you need creative thinking that is outside of the 16×9 box, get in touch with our video specialists.
We regularly provide technical producers, projectionists, media server technicians, camera crew and more to other creative and technical companies, brands, bands and arts institutions all over the world. We maintain great relationships with equipment suppliers to deliver competitive prices combined with careful and discrete handling of your project.